Tuesday, August 28, 2012

OMEGA Thailand 2012

For those of you who don't know, I entered in a program at Summit Pacific College for one year. This one year program is called OMEGA which stands for One Year Ministry Education with Global Awareness. It was an 8 month course followed by a 3 week over seas mission trip. This year was Thailand and it was an amazing experience!

Within OMEGA there are different teams. Team A, Team B, Team C and Team D. We are all in the same classes but within each team we go to different ministries and serve for the whole year. I was on Team D and it was an amazing time to get together and an amazing year to get to know one another quite well.

Now that you have a little insight of what I went through for the year, on to my experience in Thailand!
It was an experience that I will never forget and was a most definite experience of growth and different culture experience. I was stretched and moved by our incredible God! 

After our arrival in Bangkok, we spent the night and the next next night we took a 12 hour bus to go into the deep south of Thailand. Our first stop was Hat Yai, where we did an English camp at Full Blessings Church and were able to teach English to the Thai youth in a very fun way. It was great to see that they were having fun and learning at the same time. We brought a different way of teaching English which was enjoyed by all. 

Being at that church, I saw an amazing community among one another. It was so amazing to see and it was something that I would love to work on in my life. People encouraging one another and people being supportive of one another. It was something that I have never seen before and the servant hood of the youth was incredible. WE were treated like royalty and it was a bit difficult for me to see it after a while because I wanted to serve them!

God also moved in that place and He showed me some incredible things. I was in such awe and amazement of what God did to me and what He showed me that it just wanted me to go deeper in a relationship with Him. God is soo good!

We left and then went on our way to Na Maung. It was about 1 hour from Hat Yai and we did another English Camp at a church. We had to switch things up a little bit because there were younger kids and older kids so thinking on our toes, we had to split them up. It was lots of fun. I, along with 4 others were working with the little ones. It was great to see them have fun and learn some English words because they knew very little. Praise God for TRANSLATORS!!! haha

After we travelled to Pattani where we did a Youth Camp and it was a great experience plus we were all working on our toes. It was great to see a team come together and to support one another and to bounce ideas off of one another. I loved working with the youth and telling them encouraging things that they can be doing in their life. How they are world changers in their own country and that living for God is an amazing thing. It was great to see their passion for God.

Youth Camp was done and we then went to a Muslim school to teach the children English. It was such a culture shock to me to see the girls wearing headscarves. I just wanted to go to each girl and take it off  and tell them that they were free but I just couldn't do that. I found it to be amazing that we were able to just step into the school to teach the children English. It was great because we brought fun to learning and I feel as though the kids learned some English words. We also taught them some Christian songs, without Jesus being mentioned in it. I felt as though we were just breaking ground and planting some seeds in the school and can only hope that other Christian people can enter Muslim schools to teach English and eventually be able to tell them about our God and how he loves us. Just showing them that we love them was a break through and showing the children that there is someone who cares and even showing them that this is what love is. 

We then went on a bus, after our time in Pattani, and we headed down to Bangkok where we were reunited with all of our other team mates! One team went to Burma, another to Takua Pa, while one team stayed in Bangkok. Everyone had such great experiences and hearing stories from others, God was really moving. It was great to be reunited with my other team mates and great to be together again.

I would definitely go back to the country and serve to where I would be needed. It was a great experience culturally and spiritually. I would highly recommend that if you are interested in missions and want team preparation, definitely try the OMEGA program at Summit Pacific College. It is definitely a strong missions program and you learn so much about missions, ministry and yourself and your relationship with God. It is a great growing experience and it has definitely changed my life! And HEY! its only a year!! 


Sunday, August 26, 2012

First Post... First Blog...

Hey guys and gals who are of interest of my life!

I have decided to start blogging my life because I feel as though it is a gong show and there have been a  lot of people telling me, "Hey! Give me an update on life!" or "Hey! What's going on??" And so I really felt that posting my adventure of where God is taking me to be up here and that you would enjoy the updates of my adventure...

And so I know that this first one isn't really exciting! But I am hoping that as soon as I get going that things will spark excitement!

I will also be putting whatever I want as well like scripture or thoughts that have come to mind because it is my blog and I can do what I want!! I can do whatever I want! AND I feel that sometimes it can be an encouragement to some people. 

Anyway, this is a little blurb I guess of what this blog is going to look like and I am excited to begin it. Maybe even begin a new fad! 

Now that I have bored you and have made you not want to continue to follow me, here is something that I think you may find enjoyment in!


Its funny because its true!

Much Love!