Sunday, August 26, 2012

First Post... First Blog...

Hey guys and gals who are of interest of my life!

I have decided to start blogging my life because I feel as though it is a gong show and there have been a  lot of people telling me, "Hey! Give me an update on life!" or "Hey! What's going on??" And so I really felt that posting my adventure of where God is taking me to be up here and that you would enjoy the updates of my adventure...

And so I know that this first one isn't really exciting! But I am hoping that as soon as I get going that things will spark excitement!

I will also be putting whatever I want as well like scripture or thoughts that have come to mind because it is my blog and I can do what I want!! I can do whatever I want! AND I feel that sometimes it can be an encouragement to some people. 

Anyway, this is a little blurb I guess of what this blog is going to look like and I am excited to begin it. Maybe even begin a new fad! 

Now that I have bored you and have made you not want to continue to follow me, here is something that I think you may find enjoyment in!

Its funny because its true!

Much Love!

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