Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Dawson City, Yukon 2012

I had the opportunity this summer to go up to Dawson City, Yukon. I arrived there in the beginning of June, 2 weeks after I came back from Thailand. It was crazy how I ended up being here.

I was leaving to go to Thailand in May with my OMEGA family (if you haven't checked my OMEGA Thailand 2012 you should after reading this). I was freaking out before leaving because I didn't know where I was going when I came back from Thailand and I had no clue what I was going to do over the summer. I know I needed to make some money but I wasn't sure where I was going or what I was going to do. I was getting really bummed and so I talked to the dean of woman at my school. I told her that I didn't know what I was going to do this summer and that I didn't really want to go home. She told me that maybe I should do the internship and go to Dawson City with the team. And so I talked with the man who put this all together and said that I was interested. He said that it was a go but to pray and ask God what His plans for me were.

And so I prayed and God told me that He wanted me to go but the thing was that I had no place to live. So I left for Thailand unknowing if I was going to go and as I was in Thailand I found out that I had a place to stay. I then booked my plane as soon as I got back and stayed home for two weeks before heading back out again to do ministry.

I arrived in Dawson not really understanding why I was there. I didn't know my purpose but I was willing to do what God had in store for me. I also had to know a new team. There were 6 of us in total and it was great to meet and get to know new people but at the same time it met many challenges.

The North was a very different place to live. There was no rush to get things done. People took their time and the life style there was very relaxed. It was pretty sweet! It was kinda like a retreat ministry in a way. I really dove into the word and really took my time to be with God. It was an amazing time and I was able to pray more than I ever did before. I really felt God calling me to be a prayer warrior and I did the best I could for my self, the team and for Dawson City.

This internship was a different internship because we were not being paid through the church because we were opening up the church and doing outreach to the people. I found a job my third day in Dawson and it was difficult at first to balance ministry and work. I had to be aware to set aside time to be with God and once a routine was set I felt I was settled knowing that I needed to be flexible any day and any time.

I found myself becoming more dependent on God and asking Him to help me through some of my days. My job is a challenge to face and seeing hurt and broken people everyday was something that I needed to get through daily, with the help from God. I found myself praying for the people while working and to just have a hope that there will be a change somewhere and somehow in their life.

Ministry was a challenge but I felt as though we were giving our all and we were making small things happening. I felt as though we were showing people a different side to Christianity and that we are different and that we love them no matter what they do or what they have been through. It was amazing to see a community just beginning and people enjoying conversations with one another, followed by smiles and laughter!

Before I left, I felt like ministry just began but it was good to know that there were two people staying to continue out-reach. I felt that it was wise for us to adjust in the beginning of this adventure. To see and observe the people and to see what it was like up in the North. It was a different experience and I felt as though it is a similar experience to what I see in some small towns.

I felt that what we planned and the ministry opportunities that we started fell into place. It was a huge learning experience in ministry for all of us and it is something that I will take with me while I continue my adventure with God and with the different church communities that I encounter.

I have been able to learn and see more of what a church is like and more of what ministry involves. Starting ministry is challenging but if you continue to pursue and be obedient to what God has in store for you and the church, amazing things will start to grow.

Dawson City, Yukon

One thing that I ask of those who are reading is to pray for the town, pray for the people; that they will be able encounter God again in a different kind of way and that their hearts will become soften, and pray for two members of the team who are staying there this winter to continue ministry.

Much Love!

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