Today embarks the third day of me setting foot in the province of Manitoba. Things have been going quite well since being here, mostly everything has been a blessing.
When I arrived in Winnipeg, I was greeted by the pastor, who I will be working with, and his daughter, who is 2 years younger than me. I know this family from when I was living in Thunder Bay and going to University studying to be a teacher. It was nice to be reacquainted with them and to "catch up" so to speak. It was like we never left each other and it was great to be able to re-connect after 2 years of poor communication between one another.
I got to see a little slice of Winnipeg and I didn't expect it to be a big city. I was rather shocked because I didn't realize how lucky I am to be living an hour away from this city. Now, I know some people say that Winnipeg is a dangerous place to live in and I do have to be cautious of the areas that I go but man, this is a dream that I can't even imagine. With most of my life living 4 hours away from a city and then now starting a life where I am only 1 hour is totally a huge blessing!!
Yesterday, I went to church in Stonewall. This is where one of the churches are located. You see, I live in Teulon at the moment and there is a church that the pastor has opened up here, in Teulon, and then there is another church in Stonewall as well. This means that I will be dealing with two churches!! HOW COOL IS THAT??!!
Anyway, I went to church and there were people that were super excited for me to be there. It was very encouraging and very amazing to hear people have an interest in me. (Haha, just kinda sounds weird) There was this one little girl that I met and she told me that she is really excited for me to be here and that she is really happy for me. It was a confirmation that this is where I am supposed to be. Also, I was talking to her mom for a little bit and she also told me that she was super excited to see me. It was very encouraging and welcoming for me.
This family also has talked to the pastor and is willing for me to come into their house and to live with them. They have three kids ages 3-10 and I have been really thinking about it. I feel as though God wants me there in that family. It makes sense but I will see what happens and where God really wants to take me.
You may be wondering why the family talked to the pastor about me coming into their home. Well, I am living with the pastors family but the thing is that I am sleeping on a cot in the basement sharing it with a washer, dryer and a bunch of boxes. A part of me wishes I can have my own room and my own place but at the same time I need to count my blessings and be thankful. And so I am thankful!! Praise God that I am in a house with a family who is taking care of me and helping me out! Praise God that he is providing me with a lot of great things! But, only time will tell how tired I will get for rooming with the washer, dryer and boxes and would like my own room with my own privacy. Only the time and waiting will tell to see God providing me with what I need.
I am at this point of waiting on God and just seeing Him answering prayers. Trusting that His plan will conquer and not mine. I am thankful!
Much love!
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