Yup, well I'm a small town girl but I don't really live in a lonely world... I did take a midnight train but it wasn't going just anywhere, it was going to the middle of no where!! Haha.
All of those who are reading this will now know that I am
home for the holidays. I was able to get 2 weeks off of work to go home for
Christmas. I was so lucky and blessed to be able to go. So I was able to book a
train ticket really cheap (because it was a seat sale, praise God!) and go from
Winnipeg to Hillsport where I will be picked up and have to drive another 1 and
a half home. My train was to leave at 10:30pm and was to embark on a 14 hour
train ride bringing me to Hillsport at 2:30pm the next day. When I arrived,
there was already a half hour delay. I then waited and waited and that half
hour became about a two and a half hour delay.
I got on the train about midnight and didn’t actually leave
until 10 after 1 and that’s when the longest journey of life began. I ended up
being stuck with a party of three because the train was packed!! People were
having trouble trying to find a seat and well I ended up in a spot where two
people sit across from you. It was kinda cramped and awkward because I
didn’t even know these people. One guy left and decided to go sleep in the dome
car, which was great but then left me to sit with a couple sitting across from
me. I decided that I wanted to sleep in the dome car but when I left to check
it out, turns out there was a party happening! Definitely wanted to get some
sleep! And so I went back to my seat and reclined my chair with my jacket over
my head and had a rough night sleep. I felt as though I would wake up every
hour and change positions. Oh and did I mention that my headphones broke before
getting on the train allowing me to only hear out of one ear! Haha BRUTAL I
It was about 7am when I couldn’t sleep any more and decided
to go and have breakfast. I have gotten about 4 hours of sleep, which wasn’t so
bad considering my sleeping conditions. And so I went and had breakfast where
this older gentleman came to join me. We started talking and he was saying that
he was coming all the way from Edmonton and going to Toronto to visit family.
He said that his wife went somewhere to visit her sister out of the country and
he was debating on whether or not to spend Christmas alone or to spend
Christmas with family and he chose to take the train to see family. He asked me
about my life and I told him that I was a teacher and I just moved to Manitoba
and am trying to teach in that province. He then asked me why Manitoba and so I
told him my reason why and my heart for what I feel God wants me to do. He was
said “Wow, you have a very caring heart towards people. Are you a Mennonite
because I am one.” I told him no and then after that the conversation just
faded. I got my bill and left feeling encouraged by that man because he was
surprised to see someone trying to make a change in this place.
I then left and spent some time with God which was really
awesome because at this time in my trip we arrived in Ontario and it was soo
good to see the trees! It was a beautiful sight and it made my heart smile. It was a very beautiful day and so I just soaked it all in and
was in awe of our creator!
Later on in the journey, I decided to spend some reading in the dome car and it was quite difficult because I was being distracted by all the beauty and I was tired. I ended up taking a nap and a woman scared me and woke me up leaving me confused on where I was. I started to freak out a little thinking that we passed Hillsport!
I then heard that we were three hours delayed and instead of arriving at 2:30, I arrived at 6 instead. It was really crazy but relaxing. I really enjoyed the ride and would definitely take it again. I know this is a long post on a silly train ride but hey! what can I say? I haven't posted in a while! :)
Much Love!
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