Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas is fake in this world...

Yesterday my mom got me to wrap all of my little sisters gifts. I feel as though this is tradition because every year my mother gets me to wrap gifts for my sisters. I quite enjoy it because on Christmas morning I know which present is which and look to see their reaction when the open the gift. It's quite fun.

Anyway, as I was wrapping my mom was deciding on which presents were from Santa and which ones were from them. When I was a little kid, Santa was a man that I really liked and looked forward to at Christmas time because this man comes into your house and gives you presents. How can you NOT like this guy! Then when I got older, I found out that the jolly big guy is a fake! I was pretty sadden because I was actually tricked by my parents one year when I got to see this guy for the first time and came to my house. Turns out it was a family friend and yeah, I was a confused kid! haha.

So as my mom gave me instruction on what present was from whom I began thinking, why? Why should Christmas be fake? Why is this world allowing children to believe in someone who is not?! It confuses me because when children finally know the truth about the jolly big man its like a travesty!! THE WORLD IS GOING TO END!!! Like how could that even be possible that Santa is not real? He gave me gifts since I could remember and he is not real??

Think about it! We teach our kids that he is real and it is so huge. We know so much about this man and that he works in the North Pole, he has elves working for him, making toys. We send him letters in hopes that he will bring them to us. In December he is all over the place! In the malls and walking about in schools and other areas to bring joy to those little ones. Everyone is happy and joyful. Christmas is a great time because Santa is going to give us everything!! But how can he?? He's fake??

We get all excited and we are so desperately wanting to see him and wanting to know more about him. As a kid I had all kinds of questions that I wanted to ask him. I would write letters to him and ask a question like, "What do you feed your reindeer? Mom and dad tell me that you feed them carrots! Is that true??" Of course not because Santa is not real!

And so we all are attracted to the fake Christmas, but what about the real Christmas??? Shouldn't we be wanting to know more about the Saviour who was born to die on the cross to take away our sins? Why is it that kids know more about Santa and have so many questions and desire to know him more than Jesus??

Its crazy because should we have a desire to know the real part? Shouldn't we have a desire to seek the real and not the fake? Shouldn't this world come to understand what Christmas is really about?

It's hard to change tradition when everyone is used to doing the same thing every year.

I feel as though as Christians we should do the best we can to get the word out! To tell kids about the realness of Christmas and not the fake. For them to believe in a man who is born to die on this earth to take our sins away. For them to have a desire to know more about Him and to know that He gives everything that we need. For them to know that He loves them so much and is passionate, kind and brings joy!

Sure its fun when Santa comes but as you grow older, he is not real and brings devastation to some children and is never there for you when Jesus is there all the time, He loves you and will never leave you!

I just thought it was sad this Christmas when my little sister knew more about Santa than Jesus. Hard for me to think that in a couple of years she will actually know that Christmas is fake and that Santa will be no more...

Just a thought I would like to share. Some of you may already feel this and think this, some of you may not even had thought of this. I just would like to try and make it my goal that Christmas is not all about Santa. That we should do the best we can to get the name of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, out into this world and allow people to be curious, have a desire and wanting to know Him more and to follow Him.

Much Love

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