Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Discipline is hard...

Proverbs 12:1
To learn, you must love discipline; it is stupid to hate correction.

I read this and it really hit me. Honestly it has been difficult for me to be getting into the word, devoting myself in prayer and just simply spending time with God. It is hard when the world around us demands so much of us and we end up getting stuck in the busy cycle of work, spending time with others or whatever else keeps you busy.

But I can keep on going on with how we should discipline our selves with making and spending time with Jesus but I think before to start with that we should look at ourselves and think of discipline in our everyday lives.

Don't you hate correction when you have done something the same way every single day of your life??? It throws you right off and this is one of the things that I really hate! I really hate it when I have done something the same way over and over again and then someone comes to you and tells you a better way of doing something or doing it the "right" way...

But in order to learn, we must "love" discipline. It is something that I have been going through, especially at my work place, but being able to LOVE discipline is so hard!! Love is such a difficult word. It is such a difficult word!

I feel as though before we discipline ourselves to have more Jesus time and reading the Bible and such things, we also need to work on our own disciplines because if we cannot work on ourselves then how would we be able to discipline ourselves with Jesus???

Something I have been thinking about and have been having a hard time with.

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