Monday, March 11, 2013

With Everything...

For those of you who have been checking my blogs, I appreciate you. I want to apologize that I haven't been putting a lot of posts up. When I first started this I thought it was going to become a habit and well at times I have forgotten that I have a blog until I notice a link that I have posted to remind me and then the "Oh YEah!" light bulb turns on.

There are times that I do think about it and then I want to write about what is happening and everything else in my life but I have been really hesitant with some of the posts that I have started. I don't really feel as though its the right time or it is worth posting at all. Some of the things can be taken negatively or wrong and hence why I hesitate at times. I didn't really think blogging could be this hard but when you are posting for the whole world to see, it can become nerve racking at times...

But basically what I want to say is thank you to those who have been reading my blog. I hope that this can change some thinking or just to be interested in someone else's life. Especially a life that is trying to live her best and fullest for God.

Well, I have decided that I wanted to make this post happen. Hopefully as an encouragement or challenge in your life.

Ever heard the song Beautiful Exchange by Hillsong? I came across this song last year and it is one of my favourites! I can and have listened to this song over and over again, just gets me every time. Anyway, I was listening to it today and the bridge really pulled my strings today and made me think.

Holy are you God
Holy is your name
With everything I've got
My heart will sing how I love you

With everything I've got, my heart will sing how I love you. Have you ever thought about it? Giving God everything you've got!

It took me back when I was at SPC. One night we sang this song in chapel and I was really deep in prayer, praying for my family, and just seeking and searching answers that I had questions about, like why me? Why did you choose me? Then God reminded me that He chose me because He loved me and He wanted to do good things through me. To be a world changer and to help and support those around me. To show and bring people to Him. To be a light in this world. It was crazy and I was challenged by these lyrics, "with everything I've got, my heart will sing how I love you." 

So I asked myself, "Am I willing to give everything I've got to God? Am I willing to do whatever it takes? Am I willing to be obedient to Him? Am I willing to serve Him? Am I wanting to give Him my problems and challenges? Am I ready?" And at that moment through all these questions in my mind, I was willing to surrender it all and give Him everything.

But did I really mean it and did I really do it?

It is such a hard thing in life to give God everything but He is there and He tells us that we can trust in him. John 12:46 "I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the dark" (NLT)

BAM!! It's right there!

It is still hard, even to this day to lay everything down and give it fully to God. To give Him everything, its a daily challenge and struggle. But for what everything God has given you, are you willing to give Him everything you've got?

Are you willing to be sacrificial? Are you willing to be tested? Are you willing to be challenged? Are you willing to be open? Are you willing to step out into the waters? Because no matter what you do, God is always going to be there every step of the way.

Are you really willing, with everything you've got, to do and show God how much you love Him in this world?

I thought I should share this because it is a big challenge that I am facing and I just wanted to challenge you and possibly encourage you to give Him everything you've got. Yes, there will be times that you fail because we all fail in certain times in our lives but its through those failures where we grow.

~ With everything I've got, my heart will say how I love you.

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